Thursday, October 8, 2020

Zawan Community drags Plateau Government to court over alleged illegal sale of land

Community drags Plateau Government to court over alleged illegal sale of land


Zawan Community of Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State has dragged the State government to a High Court sitting in Bukuru over alleged illegal sale of land by the Ministry of Lands, Survey and Town Planning, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture.

Others dragged to Court in the same suit are Shagari Abubakar Ya’U and Haladu Aminu Madaki.

The Land owners (plaintiffs) prayed the court to stop the defendants from illegally selling the Bukuru Cattle Market and the Reclaimed Mining area, among others in their community.

Counsel to the plaintiffs, Edward Pwajok (SAN) had applied for three motions to be granted by the court Presided by Justice S. J. Bakfur.

The three motions include change of counsel from Francis Okafor Esq to E. D Pwajok Esq (SAN), Motion to substitute 17 deceased plaintiffs with their successors and Motion to join Ministry of Lands, Survey and Town Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Shagari Abubakar Ya’U and Haladu Aminu Madaki in the suit.

The three motions were moved and granted to the Plaintiffs by the judge.

Meantime, Counsel to the plaintiff, Pwajok (SAN) prayed the court to adjourn the matter to another 30 days to enable him amend the writ of summons and statement of claim after the defendants’ counsel failed to appear in court.

The judge, thereby adjourned the matter until 1st and 2nd of February, 2021 for hearing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020



When I was governor, they brought some Fulani people in trucks to Wase. When the security report got me, I told them to send the people back to wherever they were coming from and there were noises everywhere that Jang did not want people in Plateau. My former colleague in Niger was the one who made the loudest noise over the issue. Surprisingly, when the same people landed in Minna, Niger State, he also put them in trucks and sent them back. Now, it is happening everywhere and has even gone to the southern part of the country. The Yoruba speaking states in the South-West irrespective of party differences have united, established Amotekun security outfit and sending the Fulani and their cows out of their states.

The question is: where are these Fulani people from? We have lived with Fulani people without any problem. My father’s neighbours were Fulani and when I was growing up, out of curiosity, I used to follow their children to tend to cows in the bush and there was no problem. We know the kind of cows they rear. But the kind of cows we see today is different from the ones Nigerian Fulani used to rear; something is wrong somewhere. What is happening is not a secret; people are being brought from Mali, Chad and all over to come and occupy native land. Is it somebody’s agenda to create a territory for some people in Nigeria

Has the Nigerian situation ever made you shed tears?
I think I have shed enough tears when I was governor over the situation of things, in the state and the country at large. Let the others who are now in office shed the tears if they love the people they are governing. I know how many times I shed tears in my bedroom as a governor. Sometimes, women would wake me up with a telephone call about people who had been killed. At a point, I had to ask God if it was what he made me a governor for – to always bury my people who were being killed and had no power to do anything about it. That was why I started crying out for states to be allowed to have their own police.

-Ex-Governor  Jonah Jang 

( Punch Newspaper 27th September  2020)

Now you know why the rail line to Maradi was approved, to fast track the resettlement  of Fulani's and their cows from Niger and elsewhere in Indigenous  land in Nigeria. Expect more 

Friday, June 12, 2020


I thank the Almighty that I had the historic duty to sponsor the bill in 2018 in the National Assembly which led to the passage of the Bill for an Act to amend the Public Holidays Act wherein the Schedule to the Act was amended by deleting 29th May and replacing it with June 12
With that singular amendment, May 29 which was declared a Public holiday to celebrate Democracy is no longer a public holiday but June, 12 of every year beginning from 2020. It is to the eternal credit of the 8th National Assembly, that the Bill which was initiated in the House of Representatives with my humble self as the lead Sponsor was expeditiously passed and which the Senate concurred with. Thereafter, President Buhari assented to the Bill which made it a Law bonding on the whole Country.
Sometime in the future, God sparing my life, I may provide highlights of the pros and cons of the debate in the House. Suffice it to say that the case for a separate day to celebrate Democracy had to be made to justify it being different from Independence Day. There were other issues such as the proliferation of holidays to honour individuals.
Most former colonies set aside one day to celebrate independence. Nigeria celebrates
Independence on October 1. Independence and Democracy are different. A
Country can be independent without being Democratic.  
Democracy is a system which a people use to govern themselves. It is different from totalitarian systems such as military or monarchic rule. Usually in a Democracy, leaders are elected for fixed terms and there are Freedoms such as Expression, movement, Religion, liberty etc. which the people have a Right to. The most acceptable definition of Democracy was given by the 16th President of the USA, Abraham Lincoln at an address in 1863 during the Civil war at Gettysburg. Because of its significance for even this day, I have taken the liberty to cite at some length part of the speech. 
...’ It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these Honoured dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that Government of the people by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth ...’ 
The Global average for holidays is 11 days, in Nigeria, 13 days are observed as public holidays, South Africa has 12 for the year 2020, while Iran has the highest number of public holidays in the world with 27 paid public holidays. 
In South Africa, for the year 2020, 1st January which was New Year ’s Day, 21st March was celebrated as Human Rights day to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre, 16 June is youths day to commemorate the Soweto protest against the killing of 700 youths, 24th September is Heritage day to celebrate their cultural heritage. 
In the USA there are about ten Annual national holidays including January 21st to celebrate 
Martin Luther king, February 17th to celebrate their 1st President, George Washington’s birthday, May 25 to celebrate memorial day, July 4th to celebrate their independence, October 12 to celebrate Christopher Columbus and November 11 to celebrate veterans. 
In many Countries there are peaceful sometimes even violent struggles to establish Democracy  
In Nigeria, the struggle for Democracy climaxed with the June 12 1993 election which 
Chief MKO Abiola won but which the Military regime of General Babangida annulled. This led to series of pro Democracy struggles which even led to the death of so many including Pa Rewane, Bagauda Kalto, Mrs Kudirat Abiola and ultimately MKO Abiola himself .June 12 became a watershed in Nigeria’s history as the election marked the first time Nigerians voted irrespective of religious and regional differences by voting for MKO Abiola / Kingibe a Muslim/ Muslim ticket. Abiola defeated Bashir Tofa in his home state Kano. MKO was a business tycoon who sacrificed his wealth to fight to claim the mandate Nigerians gave him. He died in July, 1998 under the detention ordered by General Abacha. 
The struggle for a return to Democracy was epitomized by Abiola. The nation went to the brink as a result of the suppression of the pro Democracy struggles by the Juntas of Babangida and Abacha. The struggles had many martyrs .The stability of the 4th Republic owes much to the determination by Nigerians to protect democracy. The Democracy we enjoy today owes much to those Martyrs. It is therefore fitting that the hero of June 12, MKO Abiola has been honoured by the declaration of the day as a public holiday. 
It is debatable if Governments have lived up to the expectations of Nigerians. It is not yet uhuru. Nigerians are not free as we are been killed by Terrorists and state security agents Whereas Americans are freely demonstrating against the excesses of the Police, the FCT authorities are erecting a fence around the Unity Fountain   the Centre of peaceful protest in Abuja. Fundamental Rights which citizens of other Counties take for granted are seen as privileges or even favors extended by the Govt. May I conclude by paraphrasing the popular saying that ‘eternal vigilance is the price of freedom’. 
Happy Democracy day. 
Edward G Pwajok, SAN, LB, KSGG 

Thursday, May 14, 2020


I join the people of Plateau State in condemning the cold blooded murder of Mr RINJI Bala , a 20 year old Student of the University of Jos. May his soul Rest In Peace .My heart goes out to the immediate family over this sad irreparable loss .
I only need to add that it is possible for justice to be done and I call upon the State to ensure that the culprit is made to face the full wrath of the law. This will need vigilance and steadfastness by the family , friends of the deceased and the State Government . May I cite a similar case which I prosecuted in the Supreme Court to drive home the point.
In Ochiba v The State (2011) LPELR 8245(SC) the Supreme Court delivered judgement on the 16 th December , 2011,in that case and confirmed the death sentence upon the appellant Sergeant Emmanuel Ochiba for the murder of Godwin Momoh.on the 12 th day of September , 2001 in the heat of the Jos crisis.
A team of Police officers had stopped a group along Tafawa Balewa street in Jos and asked them( Godwin Momoh, Jonathan Mawaiyau, who later became the state Attorney General,and one other person)

 to kneel down and raise their hands. The group of three complied but Constable Emmanuel Ochiba ( that was the rank of the accused) took a gun from one of his colleagues and shot the deceased point blank on his chest.Mr Momoh died instantly.
The Plateau State Ministry of Justice prosecuted the case in the high Court in Jos.Though the accused denied committing the offence , Yargata Nimpar J, as she then was, found him guilty and sentenced him to death in line with the law. The appeal to the Court of Appeal was dismissed whereupon the Appellant further appealed to the Supreme Court where I led a team of lawyers of the ministry of Justice for the State. 
Justice I T Muhammad ( now the Chief Justice of nNigeria) who presided over the case after dismissing the appeal commended the
Ministry of Justice for for the steadfast conduct of the case from the trial court up to the Supreme Court.
However.  I learnt the convict has been pardoned by the present Governor in exercise of his powers of prerogative of mercy .The suspect in the killing of RINJI needs to be prosecuted to ensure that Justice is done . 

Edward G Pwajok , SAN

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today the 12th Feb.2020 at the Federal High Court sitting in Jos. The Court delivered it's rulling joining the Berom Nation in the suit instituted by the Fulani people of Plateau through Ardo Ruwa Isau & ors -V- FGN & HAGF.

Hon Sir Edward Gyang Pwajok SAN, LB, KSGG led the Berom legal team, with him are MG Aluma Esq, PH Hammache Esq, Godfrey Mathew Esq, Bitrus Dung Esq, Dido Samuel Esq & Mafeng J Pam Esq.
The Federal high court , Jos delivered its ruling on the application of the Berom to be joined in the suit filed by the Fulani claiming about N 50 billion as damages for the losses they suffered allegedly from the attacks on Fulani by the Berom . The Fulani claim the Berom killed over 500 Fulani and their cows and sheep.
The court ruled that in view of the grievous and weighty allegations against the Berom , the Berom are necessary parties to the suit so that their side of the story should be heard in the interest of fairness and justice .
The plaintiffs were ordered to serve the Berom with all processes of court so that the Berom will be able to respond. The case was adjourned to 17 th March for hearing

Monday, February 10, 2020


The death of Senator Ignatius Datong Longjan is a big blow to Playeau State and indeed the Country.Though he had been ill for some time , we prayed and hoped for his recovery so he could deliver on the mandate his constituency gave him.Alas, his creator decided this is the time for him to join the Saints triumphant
His humility was legendary .little wonder he was a diplomat per excellence. He did not exhibit any airs in spite of his age and the exalted positions he held .
In this clime where Politicians are perceived as dishonest , HE Longjan stood out for his honesty. I remember how former Governor Jang was shocked when Sen Longjan returned the money he gave him as logistics support for Qua’an Pan when the first PDP primary to elect the party’s Governorship Candidate for the 2007 election was aborted. Little wonder , he was entrusted with the exalted positions of Chief of Staff and Deputy Governor.
For those of us that were privileged to work with him , his memory will remain evergreen . Adieu Sir , and may God comfort his family and the entire state. May his soul Rest In Peace . EDWARD PWAJOK, SAN, LB


Some Berom students of Hillcrest School celebrating Independence in there native attire. They are looking gorgeous & proud to be BEROM guys.