Monday, November 21, 2022



You have proven time and time
again that you are the best in your
field, and I feel very privileged that
I have been fortunate enough to
have worked with you.
A good leader paves the way, but a great leader shows the way. Your guidance and direction is what makes you such a great leader

May your birthday bless you with all
the courage and strength you require
to continue performing your roll your role as
outstandingly as you do!

Congratulations Sir.

Philip. M

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Jang Extolled Dakum's running mate, Edward Pwajok, SAN at the 2022 WUSAL BEROM(BEROM ANNUAL PRAYERS)

Jang Extolled Dakum's running mate, Edward Pwajok, SAN

The fomer governor of Plateau state and elder statesman, Da Jonah Jang, has expressed his respect, admiration and appreciation to the running mate of the Labour Party (LP) gubernatorial aspirant, Sir Edward Pwajok (SAN), for his sacrificial acts to the cause of the Berom nation.

Jang maintained that Pwajok is a “good son with good legacies for the Berom nation , just as he prayed for God’s blessings and reward on him.

He said Pwajok legally stood by him during his trying days in the hands of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

He stressed that if a Son is doing well the father most acknowledge, appreciate, bless and extol his virtues .

He made this remark while speaking during the annual Wusal Berom, (special Berom service) in Jos, Plateau State.

He urged the Berom nation to continue to remain united in action and commitment as the days ahead hold even brighter promises for the Berom, Plateau and the entire nation.

Addressing the gathering, Bar. I.D Gyang, the Senator representing Plateau North, also commended the legal team of the Berom nation, led by Pwajok for the defining role they have continued to play in defending the cause of Berom land.

He took time to brief the gathering on important national and state issues and their implications for the growth and development of the Berom nation and the state.

Speaking at the event Dr. Patrick Dakum, greeted the people in Berom Language and said he was proud to be an in law of the Berom people and assured the Berom that their interest will be protected as they have their daughter who is his wife and their defender Edward Pwajok SAN as their defender in his Government. lauded Dara Jang for his innovative leadership style which has translated in producing quality leaders.

He stressed that his leadership style and spiritual mentorship has helped in molding and building many individuals, including him.

He said that Dara's spiritual mentorship has positioned many of them for better performance, and have helped churn out quality leaders.

He described Jang as a competent leader, who has demonstrated the capacity to perform.
Dr Dakum was the only one out of the three candidates who spoke about his presidential candidate when he reminded the congratulation about the spiritual significance of Jos and that Obi flagged off of his campaign in Jos so he would win like Obasanjo & was given the nod in Jos.
Dr DAKUM got a thunderous applause from the congregation.

Jos South Local Government Chairman Hon Gideon Dandereng, extolled the achievements of Dara Jang which he said even the blind can see but quickly advised that Baba Jang had done his best but all candidates should answer their fathers names and be assessed based on their personal records and not lean on the cost tails of anyone else.
The Chairman of Berom Language translation board, Rev Davou Gyang called Edward Pwajok SAN to the Altar for special recognition and appreciation for his role in the discharge and acquittal of Senator Jonah Jang and his defence of the cases of the Berom in various cases.

Friday, November 4, 2022



Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum, the Plateau State Labour Party Governorship Candidate, Leader of the Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team on behalf of the Strategic Team ,Elders Forum, Women Groups, Youths Groups, Media Groups and supporters all over the globe deeply condole with Hon Pam Botmang and indeed the entire Botmang family of Zawang on the demise of their matriarch, Her Excellency, Ngo Lydia Botmang after a protracted illness. Mama was Mother to most of us and we will continue to remember her motherly role in difficult times of Plateau.

May the Holy Spirit comfort the entire family and friends and give them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

Accept our deepest condolences. 


Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum, 
Plateau State Labour Party Governorship Candidate and Leader, Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022



The hallmark of forward looking leaders is uniting their people and harnessing the human, capital and natural resources of the society to better the welfare of the citizens. 

This feat was achieved by the father of modern Nigeria, General Yakubu Gowon, upon whose vision and efforts were the infrastructural pillars of our amiable country constructed. 

As he clocks 88 this day, October 19, 2022, we join millions of his well wishers both on the shores of the country and the diaspora on behalf of my running mate, Barrister Edward Pwajok (SAN), friends, associates and well wishers, and the entire Consolidation campaign team in congratulating and rejoicing with him in the celebration of his auspicious birthday.
Our father, suffice me to mention that Plateau State is a huge beneficiary of  your government by virtue of giving it one of the world's finest as administrator, Joseph Dechi Gomwalk, whose legacies are still the pride of our dear state.

 Today, we are proud of Gomwalk in Plateau, which without you, it wouldn't have been possible.

We wish you more fruitful years ahead, coupled with God's divine knowledge, wisdom and understanding as you keep contributing your quota in nation building by guiding our leaders right who tap from your wealth of experience. 

Happy 88th Birthday Celebration! 


Dr. Patrick Dakum
Plateau Labour Party 
Governorship Candidate & Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Human Virology Abuja-Nigeria.

Friday, October 14, 2022

It’s Hypocrisy To Criticize APC’s Muslim-Muslim Ticket, Then Back Northern Presidency In 2023 – Wike

The internal crisis bedevilling the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) took a new twist as Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State, reaffirmed his demand for the resignation of the party’s National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayu and also vowed never to accept Northern dominance in the hierarchy of the PDP, as the party’s presidential candidate, National Chairman and the Director-Generalof the party’s Presidential Campaign Council, are all from the Northern part of the country.

Governor Nyesom Wike explained that it is hypocrisy for PDP members to criticize the Muslim-Muslim ticket which the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) will field in the 2023 presidential election, when they are backing a Northerner to become Nigeria’s President after President Muhammadu Buhari, who is also a Northerner.

Governor Nyesom Wike also revealed that the internal brouhaha in the PDP has not yet been resolved, because some “Hyenas and rent seekers” are frustrating every effort towards restoring equity, justice and fairness in the party.

Monday, October 10, 2022



The Plateau State Labour Party Governorship Candidate, Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum, the Deputy Governorship Candidate of the Labour Party, Sir Hon Barr Edward Pwajok SAN KSGG LB, the Plateau State Labour Party Chairperson, Grace Zamfara, the Director General of the Dakum/Pwajok  Campaign Council, Elders Forum, Women Groups, Youths Groups, Media Groups, Support Groups and supporters all over the world deeply condole with and sympathise with the people of Bokkos Local Government Area on the unwarranted and unprovoked attack by evil people which led to the loss of precious lives and properties. 
It is very unfortunate that those who promised to protect lives and properties have failed in their responsibilities of securing the people. 

We pray that our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will rest the souls of the faithful departed and give their families and friends the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. 

Please accept our condolences. 

Director of Media, 
Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team.



Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum, the Plateau State Labour Party Governorship Candidate, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Human Virology Abuja-Nigeria and the Leader of the Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team on behalf of Sir Hon Barr Edward Pwajok SAN KSGG LB, the Deputy Governorship Candidate of Labour Party Plateau State,the Director General,the Chairperson of the Labour Party in Plateau State, Directors of the Consolidation Team, Elders Forum, Women Groups, Youths Groups, Media Groups, Support Groups and well wishers around the globe warmly felicitates with the Gbong Gwom Jos, Da Jacob Gyang Buba on the auspicious occasion of his birthday celebration and the investiture as Commander of the Federal Republic. 

We wish you God's continued Guidance and Protection, Long Life and Prosperity in Good Health to serve humanity better. 

Once more accept our hearty congratulations and warm felicitations from the Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team. 

Director of Media, 
Consolidation for Greater Plateau 2023 Team.

Saturday, October 8, 2022


I was initially amused when I listened to the program on JFM on Friday, 7 October, 2022 anchored by Ponsak where the Labour Party Governorship candidature was discussed.
However, on a second thought , I became concerned because I clearly saw the negative intention of that program. I was in court in Jos the last time the case was argued and just laughed at the lies that were dished out on the program.
Why is JFM so obsessed with the Labour Party’s Governorship candidate? They have aired so many programs on that party as if Labour Party is the only one in Plateau State. Is it that the owners of that radio station are threatened by the Labour Party’s rising profile and popularity. I know PDP and APC have worse issues and in fact there are Judgements of Courts which threaten the participation of PDP and APC in the 2023 elections but JFM is only bothered about the complaint of one Yohanna Margif who is claiming the seat that he withdrew from and INEC has since released the names of the Labour Party ‘s candidates.
JFM has never invited Margif to its studio to discuss the issue but has been inviting busy bodies to speak on his behalf . Is Margif a ghost? Why won’t someone who wants to govern Plateau State appear in public ? Where is he campaigning? Where was he when Peter Obi the Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party came to Jos?
Has JFM now taken over the case Margif filed from the Federal high court? Why did the experts JFM assembled not appear for Margif when the case was heard to argue for him and is JFM now the Court to determine the case? Why did the experts not present the so called letter from the Abuja high court to the federal high court , Jos . Does JFM want to smuggle in through the back window the documents Margif could not present through the front door? Do they want to poison the minds of the public . JFM should know that media trial can amount to contempt of Court because they are trying to influence the court . What interest are they pursuing ? Please , the case has been adjourned to the 15th December,2022 for Judgement and the court will pronounce on many of the issues. Some people who were not in court are busy falsely analyzing. I come in peace.

Gideon Chung Gyang

Thursday, October 6, 2022


An Epoch profile of Plateau LP Governorship running mate Edward Pwajok SAN, LB, KSG*

Hon. Sir, Edward Pwajok SAN, LB, KSG, Plateau State Labour Party governorship running mate was born to the family of Da. P D Pwajok, KSM and Ngwo Veronica Pwajok all of blessed memory in Kuru on 21, November, 1965.

Barrister Edward Pwajok Started his early school at kindergarten in K/ Vom then Bishop’s school in Jos, thereafter moved to attend Fatima Private School and passed out in class 5, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate in 1976.

Pwajok Did his secondary school education in St Joseph’s college Vom from 1976 but later changed to GSS Kuru where he completed in 1982 and obtain WAEC as the best graduating arts student and represented Plateau state in the national schools competition having emerged tops in the all schools quiz competition in Plateau state.

For his love for education and a better future, he went further and attended the university of Jos where he study law and went further to the Nigeria Law school Lagos before proceeding for his NYSC which he did in Kaduna .

Edward Pwajok got married to his wife Mrs Veronica Longtang Pwajok in 2008 and the union is blessed with three children.

He has served his community , the Church and held positions in Government at different levels . He was one time BYM legal adviser, BECO financial secretary . All between 2004-2006.
An active Politician , he bought the form to contest for the chairmanship of Jos south LGC in 1993 and this ambition was scuttled by General Abacha’s coup in November, 1993 days before the primaries.

Barrister Edward Pwajok was elected state legal adviser of the PDP in 2005, and later was appointed the Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice by Chief Michael Bot Mang in January 2007 and again appointed by Da Jonah Jang in the same capacity in 2007. He was reappointed for the third time to the same office in 2011 before he resigned to contest the elections to the House of Representatives in 2014. This made him the longest serving Attorney General in Plateau state.

He served Jos south/ Jos east in the House of Representatives between 2015-2019. While in the house, even as a first timer, he was first made chairman of the house committee on human rights and later the chairman of the strategic committee on rules and business.
Because of his distinguished legal practice, he was elevated to the prestigious rank of Seniour Advocate of Nigeria in 2016 becoming the first Berom to be so elevated and indeed the first indigene of the northern zone of the state to be so elevated.

Pwajok was made a life Bencher , the body of the highest distinction in the legal profession, the first indigenous practicing Lawyer from Plateau state to be so appointed in 2018.
The catholic Pontiff awarded him the highest papal medal of the Knighthood of the order of St Gregory the Great, KSG, in 2020.

He is widely travelled having gone to almost all the continents and his hobbies include reading, traveling, playing table tennis, trekking and watching TV particularly news, sports and documentaries.

Currently Barrister Edward Pwajok SAN KSG, is now the running mate to the Labour Party Gubernatorial Candidate in Plateau State to deputised Dr. Patrick Sunday Dakum who is the Governorship candidate of the Labour Party in Plateau State.

Friday, September 30, 2022


The Middle Belt Forum (MBF), led by its President, Dr Bitrus Pogo today Wed. 28th September 2022, officially unveiled & presented for election, their candidates of choice into the office of President & Vice President, Fed. Rep. of Nigeria, HE Peter Obi & Dr Yusuf Datti.

The Presidential & Vice Presidential candidates of the Labour Party along with other National officers of the party, recognized Dr Patrick Dakum & Hon Edward Pwajok SAN as the best Gubernatorial & Deputy gubernatorial combination in the whole federation.

The unveiling ceremony, witnessed a crowd yet to be quantified. Right from the Heipang Airport down to the Rwang Pam township stadium, people lined up the road  in their numbers that equals that of the stadium in jubilation of Obi/Datti's visit to Jos.

LABOUR PARTY!!! FORWARD EVER. May GOD Almighty grant us victory in Jesus name.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


I am honoured and deeply appreciate the privilege to address you. This is the culmination of my political consultations with groups and individuals. As a former official of BECO, I am proud to be associated with you and commend you for keeping the flag flying.

Some may wonder why I should bother to consult on decisions that are personal. While it certainly is true that each person has personal decisions to make concerning political choices, but the decisions we make have impact on others. This is especially so for myself who is privileged to be counted as one of the leaders in our Land having held many leadership positions. My ‘silence’ has been the subject of speculation. I decided that since I belong to a community, I should share my thoughts and concerns with the same community and hear from them.
I have consulted widely, met with Elders, women, youths, students, people of all classes and vocations. The feedback I got was that we are at the crossroads and need to think outside the box to decide on the direction of voting next year in view of the implications on the society. The choices we would make, would have immediate and future consequences. We should know that we are currently faced with existential threats and only voting the right candidates and parties would change our grim trajectory.
I have been an active Politician for 40 years as I started from 1982 as a teenager. I have studied our political history, interacted with key players over a long time and participated actively which has given me the tools to understand our politics.
As we approach 2023, people are discussing whether we should continue bloc voting or split our votes. I intend to use the opportunity of this meeting to share my views and to humbly profer suggestions. 
Before I go into details let me come clear by informing you that I am a card carrying member of the Labour Party having resigned my membership of the PDP. Permit me to offer some reasons and justification for my action in view of the questions raised in some quarters. Some persons have accused me of frequently changing parties. Most of such persons belong to the PDP.
Firstly, the Constitution in Section 40 gives me the Right to belong to any Party of my choice and this Right includes that of changing Parties, so, I have not broken any Law.
 I wonder why no PDP member has questioned their Presidential candidate who has changed Parties probably more than any other Nigerian. In fact, Atiku Abubakar defeated Nyesom Wike who has never left the PDP for one day. Coming back to Plateau state, how many leaders do we have who have never crossed over from one party to the other? Why do some people want to treat me differently by glossing over others and reserving harsh condemnatory words for only Edward Pwajok?
Politics is the pursuit of interest and a Party should be made up of people of like minds who should have the same interests. When a member of a party no longer shares the same interests with other members of that, party, the best option is to leave to join others who share the same interests with him. I believe in zoning but many members of PDP do not. I believe that the Presidency in 2023 should go to the southern part of Nigeria but PDP elected a candidate who once protested against Goodluck Jonathan because of Zoning. I do not want to engage in antiparty activities by remaining in the party when I had made up my mind not to support the party’s presidential candidate. 
Aside the issue of zoning, it is crystal clear that the presidential candidate of the Labour Party towers over any other candidate in terms of competence, capacity, integrity aside the fact that zoning favours him. His pedigree speaks for him. His sparkling stewardship of Anambra state speak for him.
I want the best for my country and our children so I have pitched my tent with the Party which cares for the working people and other under privileged citizens. Already the youths and women have indicated their support for both Obi and the Labour Party. The recent 1 million man March in Jos which witnessed such a tumultuous crowd left no one in doubt that Plateau has moved to the Labour Party. I am grateful that I saw the light even before that rally. 
I humbly and respectfully urge the Berom people to move over to the Labour Party like other Plateau people. Let me give examples of people who changed their party to justify my plea. Black Americans were initially members of the Republican Party. This was because the famous President Abraham Lincoln abolished slave trade and made blacks free citizens in the USA. He was a Republican However, there was still segregation against blacks who suffered terribly until President Franklyn Roosevelt came to office and introduced the New Deal. Roosevelt was a Democrat. Blacks then moved over to the Democratic Party and Democratic Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who were in office during the civil rights movement acceded to many demands of blacks. Little wonder, Barrack Obama won elections to become the first black President of the USA and we should remember that he is a Democrat.
So, if black Americans changed their Party, I urge the Berom to move to Labour in order to benefit from Mr Peter Obi and Labour Party‘s new deal.
The other group that vote monolithically are the Hausa and Fulani. In Plateau State, since Independence, they always do bloc voting after identifying their interests, either voting for the same party or candidate of their choice depending on the candidates contesting any particular office. This was recently demonstrated in the February, 2022 Jos north/ Bassa House of Representatives Bye election, when the Hausa and Fulani who in recent elections, voted for APC candidates for all elective positions, moved away to massively vote for the candidate of the PRP, a party that is virtually unknown in Plateau state.
Since I am here to discuss Berom interest, I would not analyse the Hausa and Fulani vote but suffice it to say that the Hausa and Fulani on the one hand and the Berom on the other hand are the ethnic groups that consistently do bloc voting over the years, and this is regardless of the outcome of the elections, that is, whether their preferred party or candidate wins or loses.
A historical analysis of Berom votes from 1976 to date will reveal remarkable bloc voting where the Berom usually massively vote for a particular party with majority of their votes, depending on their interest in any particular election. 
The reasons for this trend from my perspective are as Follows:
• Solidarity with other ethnic groups based on perceived oppression and injustice perpetrated against the Berom and some ethnic groups the Berom align with.
• Party loyalty.
• Need to show fraternal support to other ethnic groups.
• Support for the best candidate who identifies with their interest.
• Reaction to wrong policies and decisions by Government which do not favour the Berom.
• Allegiance to their Political leader. 
• All these factors can be applied cumulatively or a combination of some of them.
I shall attempt to analyse the various elections and offer reasons for the direction of the votes.
Following the Dasuki committee report on the reform of local Govt administration, local Government elections were held throughout the country where Councillors were elected. My Dad Da P.D. Pwajok, representing Kuru, Da D.D. Balang representing Zawan, Da Choji Zang representing Gyel etc were among those elected. Because it was a parliamentary system which was not based on political parties, the Councillors further elected one among them as chairman of the local government. In the then Jos local government council, the Berom Councillors gave their majority votes to Hon. Choji Zang who emerged as the first chairman of Jos local government after defeating Alhaji Sale Hassan.
A similar scenario played out in Barkin ladi local government council at the same time with the election of Da Yusufu Pwol(1976-1979).

On the return of the country to civilian rule in 1979, Dalo DB Zang was the undisputed Berom leader and also became the chairman of the NPP. In spite of two Berom, John Wash Pam and John Chuwang contesting the NPP Governorship primaries which was also contested by Garba Matta, Solomon Lar and George Hoomkwap, SD Lar emerged victorious and the Berom massively voted for Lar of the NPP to become the Governor .
John Wash Pam was elected senator and went on to become the Deputy senate President.
Filibus Suleiman Dalyop was elected to represent Jos south in the House of Representatives while P C Deme an Aten was elected to represent Barkin ladi.
5 Berom were elected to the house of assembly with Patrick Dokotri becoming the majority leader while the other 4 members were:
PM Nuhu Bot( Foron)
Peter Bature Dangyang ( Riyom)
Lt Col Linus P. Nyam ( Jos south)
Choji Zang (Jos south west)

By 1983 the same pattern of voting occurred with the same outcome of victory by all the Berom candidates of the NPP 
Changes were made as follows:
Linus Damanjing was elected to the House of Representatives for Jos south while Sarah Dokotri was elected to the House of Representatives for Barkin ladi.
5 members of the house of assembly with Da Patrick Dokotri as the speaker. 
Hon. Choji Zang, Jos south west
Hon. Toma Davou Jang, Jos south
Hon. Peter Bature Dangyang, Riyom 
Hon. Felix Sambo Pam, Riyom.
Meanwhile before the 1983 elections, Dr Alex Fom who in 1979 was the Publicity Secretary of the NPN was prevailed upon by the Berom to join them in the NPP which the Berom belonged to. He moved over to the NPP and was made the national secretary of the NPP.

POST 1983
The Berom had spearheaded the formation of Jodico (Jos division cultural organization) comprising all the indigenous ethnic groups in the northern zone to Forster unity. The Berom subordinated their interests and promoted those of other smaller ethnic groups. This led to the emergence of Haruna Gini Umaru as chairman of Jos local Government and D T Sango as chairman of Barkin ladi between 1988-1989.

1991-1992 ELECTIONS
When General Babangida formed two parties for the country in preparation for the return of the country to civil rule, the Berom showed keen interest in the two parties, SDP and NRC.
Hannatu Chollom and Dalo D B Zang‘s son, Davou, contested for the NRC Governorship ticket which was won by Bagudu Hirse while Da Michael Bot Mang and Chuwang Rwang Pam contested under the SDP which was won by Fidelis Tapgun.
The Berom voted en bloc for Tapgun who became the Governor.
In 1992, the Berom gave their votes to an Anaguta, Aminu Zang who won the Jos north seat to the House of Representatives.
Davou S.B Gyel won Jos south/ Jos east while James Vwi won Barkin ladi / Riyom.
Jacob Isandu got most of the Berom votes to become the senator 
Hon. Isa chungwom Song was elected member Barkin ladi and became the speaker of the House of Assembly in 1992
Prince Chuwang Rwang Pam was elected to represent Jos south while Hon. Mwankwon Dachung represented Barkin ladi

In 1999, Chief Joshua Dariye was elected the Governor under the PDP. It should be noted that Da Jonah appealed to the Berom to vote for the PDP. However, the Berom bloc voted Yohanna Dalyop who lost the governorship election to Joshua Dariye while all the three house of assembly seats were won by the Berom namely: Gabriel B Fom, Jos south, Rufus Bature, Barkin ladi and Josephine Piyo, Riyom. 
Davou Zang was elected senator under the PDP.
Daniel Sunday Dung was elected member representing Jos south / Jos east while Isa Chungwom Song was elected member representing Barkin ladi Riyom.

In 2003, the Berom voted en bloc as follows:
They voted for Obasanjo of the PDP in the presidential election against Buhari of the ANPP. Da Jonah Jang of ANPP lost to Chief Dariye of PDP in the Governorship election.
Timothy Adudu from Rukuba who contested under ANPP, got the Berom vote to emerge Senator defeating the incumbent Senator Davou Zang in spite of having the advantage of his Father, the leader of the Berom.
Gabriel B Fom of ANPP won the House of Representatives seat to represent Jos south/ Jos east while Dr Gyang Dantong won under ANPP to represent Barkin ladi / Riyom. 
In the house of assembly, all the three seats were won by the ANPP with Pam Dongs, Rufus Bature and Emmanuel Jugul representing Jos south, Barkin ladi and Riyom respectively.

In the Presidential elections, the Berom bloc voted PDP which had Umaru Yar’adua as President. Buhari contested under the ANPP.
The bloc voting of the Berom became manifest even in a contest involving Berom candidates in 2007. 
In the election where Da Jonah David Jang contested on the platform of the PDP and Architect Pam Dung Gyang contested under the AC, the Berom bloc voted the PDP and Da P D Gyang was defeated even in his ward and polling unit. 
In the house of assembly elections, the Berom got 3 seats on the PDP platform with Hon. Gyang Fulani for Barkin Ladi who also became the chief whip in the house of assembly.
Dalyop Mancha was elected member house of assembly representing Jos south and Daniel Dem Mwangyel, representing Riyom.
In the PDP primaries for House of Representatives for Jos south / Jos east, there were about 6 aspirants with the Berom having 4 and Afizere 2. Bitrus Kaze got the majority of Berom votes to emerge the winner. In fact, he was closely followed by Dr Yakubu Forbur the other Afizere aspirant in a constituency where the Berom are the majority. This shows the Berom had agreed to give Kaze of Afizere extraction their votes. Hon. Kaze went on to win the election and of the 8 seats of the House of Representatives in Plateau state gave the widest vote margin or difference.
Ngwo Martha Bodunrin won the House of Representatives seat for Barkin Ladi/Riyom.
Dr Gyang Dantong won the senate seat with a wide vote difference due to the bloc voting of the Berom.

In the Presidential Elections, the Berom overwhelmingly voted for Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP against Buhari of the CPC.  
For the Governorship Elections, Governor Jang did so well that his deputy, Mrs Pauline Tallen who left the PDP to contest the Governorship under the Labour Party, lost her Shendam local government area, her ward and her polling unit to Governor Jang.
This time around the state bloc voted along with the Berom. 
Senator Dantong was easily re-elected to the Senate.
Hon. Kaze also was re-elected and Hon. Mwadkon was elected defeating Governor Jang’s preferred aspirant Ngwo Martha Bodunrin in the primaries. 
For the house of assembly, Dalyop Mancha was re-elected for Jos south, Daniel Dem re-elected for Barkin Ladi and Peter Gyendeng elected for Barkin ladi.
The bloc voting also manifested in the local government elections of 2008. Timothy Buba won with the support of other ethnic groups the Jos north local government chairmanship, the first by a Berom after the splitting of Jos local government in 1991.
Peter Vwang Dung won in Jos south, Dr Fom Dakwak in Barkin ladi and Simon Mwadkon in Riyom.  All of them won on the platform of the PDP.

With the death of Senator Dantong and Hon. Gyang Fulani on the 8th July,2012, INEC organized Bye elections to fill their vacant seats in October,2012.
Six Parties contested the Bye Elections 
G.N.S Pwajok COL. Dungs Chris Giwa Danladi Atu J.Y Pam Lumumba Adeh
195,349 38,847 36,245 30,132 27,619 25,527

Three Parties contested the Barkin Ladi Bye Election
Kaneng Gyang Fulani Bulus Bot Ezekiel Gyang
33,549 6,718 4,267

For the Governorship Elections, GNS Pwajok flew the flag of the PDP while Simon Lalong had the APC flag. The Berom bloc voted the PDP. However, the APC won the Governorship election.
The PDP won all the elections in Berom land with Da Jonah Jang winning the senate seat and Edward Pwajok, my humble self winning the House of Representatives seat for Jos south/ Jos east.
I D Gyang won the House of Representatives seat for Barkin Ladi/ Riyom.
For the house of assembly, Peter Gyendeng was elected to represent Barkin Ladi, Nyam Dareng won to represent Jos south while Daniel Dem was re-elected to represent Riyom. In a curious turn of events, the PDP which won 13 seats in the house of assembly agreed to elect Peter Azi of the APC as speaker when the APC had 11 seats.
Hon Daniel Dem was therefore made the minority leader.

The Berom bloc - voted all the PDP candidates for all positions from the President to the House of Assembly.
Indeed, in the Governorship election, Governor Lalong even as an incumbent Governor could not win a single unit in all the wards where the Berom were in the majority.
I D Gyang won the senate seat defeating Rufus Bature another Berom who was on the ticket of the APC with a wide gap. In fact, Rufus Bature lost his local government, ward and polling unit to the PDP. PDP’s I.D Gyang got 269,555 while APC’s Rufus Bature got 171,233. The total votes cast were 463,904.
Dachung Musa Bagos was elected the Member representatives representing Jos south/ Jos east. Simon Mwadkon won for Barkin ladi / Riyom. 
For the House of Assembly Esther Simi Dusu won in Jos North West, Dalyop Fom Gwottson won in Jos South, Timothy Dantong won in Riyom while Peter Gyendeng was re-elected in Barkin Ladi and was further elected the minority leader.

It is in the light of the history of the pattern of Berom voting, that the all important question of how the Berom would vote in 2023 given the changed dynamics with a strong third Party, the Labour Party which enjoys wide acceptability particularly among the youths and women needs to be answered.
Given the past voting trend of our people across all our local government areas over a long period of time, we should accept the reality that the Berom always do bloc voting. Some vested interests will attempt to split the Berom vote but given the electoral behaviour of the Berom which I have brought out, it may be naive to assume that the Berom will split their votes on account of the machinations of some politicians. It is the Party with the best candidates who can identify the interests of the Berom in 2023 that will get the Berom votes. I appeal to BECO and other Berom leaders to play a critical role in ensuring healthy debates and peaceful campaigns by all Parties and Politicians. We are all brothers and sisters struggling for the votes of our people. We are not enemies struggling to kill ourselves. I have refrained from blowing the trumpet of my preferred candidates because INEC has not officially declared the commencement of campaigns. I have not analysed all elections, including those held before 1979 or some of those during the Abacha interregnum. This may be done subsequently if the need arises for a more detailed exposition. May the good lord bless and protect us as we prepare to commence the campaigns in earnest very soon.
Thank you for listening.


Thursday, September 15, 2022



By Samuel Adams, Jos.

Sir Edward Gyang Pwajok SAN, LB, KSG has visited the Kuru Traditional Council on Wednesday 14th September 2022  to formally inform their Royal Highnesses that he has officially left the PDP and is now a full member of the Labour Party in Plateau State. 

His Royal Highness the Gwom Rwei & his council members appreciated the well respected legal luminary, wished him well & prayed fervently for success in his political endeavors.

The Labour Party in Plateau State is growing in leaps and bounds with the number of quality people joining the team to return power to the masses.

 Recall that Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum left the APC with 75% of APC members across the state to the LP, a large number of the PDP members also left the party as soon as he picked the Labour Party Plateau State Governorship ticket.Similarly, a lot of members of the Lalong administration have indicated interest to join Dr.Patrick Sunday Dakum in Labour Party at the appropriate time while others will remain to wreck havoc within.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak, the JBN Plc Financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech GM, Christian Mössmer, and Head of JBN Plc HR Dept. ‘Olorunfemi Ojomo At the ceremony of commissioning Primetech's new building extension.

Julius Berger’s subsidiary, PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited, last weekend in Abuja had a ceremony to honour its long-serving staff. The ceremony, which was dual in nature, coincided with the commissioning of Primetech’s newly completed office extension building at its state-of-the-art business complex in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory.

The Chairman of Primetech and Board member of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak was on hand to kick off events at the ceremony. Engr. Damulak proudly traced the history of Primetech and commended its management for having committedly, productively grown the company’s business from merely being a service unit to Julius Berger’s needs to its current status of providing high value and reliable service to networth third party clients. The Primetech Chairman enjoined the management and staff of Primetech to be positive and remain committed to the future growth of the company’s business. Mr Christian Hausemann, the Financial Director of Primetech’s parent company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, represented Julius Berger’s executive management and led a delegation from head office to the well-attended event, which held at the iconic Primetech business complex located at Idu Industrial Area FCT Abuja.

On his part, the General Manager of PrimeTech, Christian Mössmer, thanked the long-serving personnel of the company for their productive loyalty and faithful commitment to the founding vision of Primetech. He took an excursion into PrimeTech’s historical evolvement over the years as the design and engineering subsidiary of the leading quality and reliable Julius Berger brand. He spoke about the challenges the company had to deal with, but more proudly of how PrimeTech over the years overcame those challenges to currently emerge as Nigeria’s preferred and most dependable design and engineering business partner. PrimeTech, said Christian Mössmer, started out with a “…vision is to be the design and engineering partner of choice in Nigeria by securing clients’ success through excellence and value”. To give real time effect to its bold vision, Christian Mössmer said, “PrimeTech provides reliable, innovative and efficient solutions for the construction of buildings, industries, civil structures, roads and infrastructure”, adding that “…as part of the Julius Berger Group’s value chain, PrimeTech’s values reflect a high emphasis on the delivery of superior quality services to the full satisfaction of clients.”

Powered by a workforce of architects, engineers, technical specialists and support staff, PrimeTech provides a wide range of services to clients in both the private and public sectors. Furthermore, PrimeTech has in-depth knowhow regarding specialized requirements of the oil and gas sector and works in compliance with the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act. In addition to technical consultancy, PrimeTech has the capacity to prepare procurement documents, material specifications and approvals according to the required standards. PrimeTech says its works shows in fact that the company has evolved into a country leader in these endeavours.

With an eye for detail and precision,PrimeTech’s holistic approach to client servicing underlies the company’s delivery of well thought-out and meticulously planned design and engineering solutions. Thorough work preparation and scheduling underpin highly structured and planned processes. The company firmly believes that the delivery of consistent quality is the primary driver of value for clients. PrimeTech’s Quality Management System conforms to its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification as well as domestic standards.

Mössmer states that as a committed partner to client satisfaction, PrimeTech places the utmost value on professional and collaborative cooperation. The company, he said, prioritizes long-term business relationships built on trust and transparency. Focus is placed on setting mutually agreed and realistic goals that reflect the parameters set for any given project.

PrimeTech, Mössmer emphasized, also prioritizes the long-term environmental, economic and social viability of its services. The company is a leader in raising the standard for sustainable management practices in Nigeria and continues to spearhead the implementation of cutting-edge technologies and operational procedures. Mössmer also said PrimeTech is a strong driver of innovation in its business. In that regard, PrimeTech, he said, “…aims not only to creatively develop solutions that capture clients’ visions, but also to continuously upgrade its technical capacities and support facilities in order to expand its expertise and ability to deliver innovative design and engineering.”

On staff training and development, the PrimeTech GM said that “…to ensure that suitable advanced methods and techniques are applied, the company’s highly qualified staff is kept abreast of the latest domestic and global market developments with related and relevant global best practice training and professional exposure”. Mössmer said for the year 2022, 26 different staff training courses have been offered including oversea training and on-site trainings on JBN projects with 170 participations recorded totalling 5,314 hours spent on various staff training investment till date. The General Manager also proudly informed guests at the ceremony that PrimeTech promoted 18 deserving staff in 2022.

On the important factor of technical aptitude, the General Manager said that because PrimeTech is parentally rooted in and fully aligned with Julius Berger’s historically established culture of standout excellence, “…PrimeTech taps into its diverse international resources to gain special expert knowledge on developing trends and latest technologies.” PrimeTech, he said, is a pioneer in the area of sustainable design and engineering in Nigeria and maintains robust knowledge regarding the latest green building technology. Examples include the company’s head office, which is designed and built according to the “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) requirements.

Christian Mössmer concluded his remarks by saying that, heavily invested in Nigeria, PrimeTech’s strength remains the company’s motivated and highly skilled staff, ranging from young graduates to experienced professionals, amongst whom were the celebrated long service awardees at the event who have both substantive and diversely experiential knowledge in their fields of expertise. The majority of PrimeTech’s staff, he said, are professionally accredited engineers and architects registered with their relevant Nigerian regulatory bodies, including the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA).

Arc.Joseph Abba, Head of Architectural Unit; Arc. Adetola Oyenuga, Deputy Head of Architectural Unit: Engr. Kabir Haruna, the Head of Unit, Structures who also doubles as Office Quality Manager; Engr. Shittu, Rahman; the Deputy Head of Unit, Structures; Chibuzor Enyinna, Support Staff; Mark Abang, Support Staff; and Eberechi Onyebuenyi Echefulachi, Support Staff, were among the staff whose work was acknowledged and rewarded for their consistent and loyal ten years of good service to Primetech at the ceremony in Abuja.

As part of the Julius Berger Group, PrimeTech has access to vast resources within Nigeria, which further supports the company’s ability to offer end-to-end client servicing. Christian Mössmer, the General Manager invited all potential clients to confidently visit PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited, at Plot 305 Idu Industrial Area 1B Idu 900 102 l FCT Abuja, adding that they may also visit Primetech at  Info@primetechnigeria.comPhone: +234 803 906 7000

Other Julius Berger officials present at the ceremony besides PrimeTech officials, included the head of Human Resources, Olorunfemi Ojomo, Mustapher Abubakar of the Commercial Department, AFP Commercial Manager, Norbert Kossman, head of Corporate Communications Department, James Agama, and the head of Media Relations Office, Prince Moses Duku.

Julius Berger’s PrimeTech Design and Engineering honours long-serving staff as it commissions office extension building in Abuja
PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited’s Office Complex located
at Plot 305 Idu Industrial Area 1B Idu 900 102 l FCT Abuja
L-R: Julius Berger’s Financial Director, Christian Hausemann; PrimeTech Chairman and Member
Board of Directors JBN Plc, Hon. Engr. Jafau Damulak, An Awardee, Arc. Joseph Abah, and
PrimeTech’s General Manager, Christian Mössmer at the event in Abuja recently
PrimeTech Awardees and the PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak, the JBN Plc Financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech GM, Christian Mössmer, and Head of JBN Plc HR Dept. ‘Olorunfemi Ojomo
At the ceremony.
PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak cuts the tape to commission Primetech’s new building extension while the JBN financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech Gm, Christian Mossmer and other officials look on with interest

PrimeTech Awardees and the PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak, the JBN Plc Financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech GM, Christian Mössmer, and Head of JBN Plc HR Dept. ‘Olorunfemi Ojomo At the ceremony of commissioning Primetech's new building extension.

Julius Berger’s subsidiary, PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited, last weekend in Abuja had a ceremony to honour its long-serving staff. The ceremony, which was dual in nature, coincided with the commissioning of Primetech’s newly completed office extension building at its state-of-the-art business complex in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory.

The Chairman of Primetech and Board member of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak was on hand to kick off events at the ceremony. Engr. Damulak proudly traced the history of Primetech and commended its management for having committedly, productively grown the company’s business from merely being a service unit to Julius Berger’s needs to its current status of providing high value and reliable service to networth third party clients. The Primetech Chairman enjoined the management and staff of Primetech to be positive and remain committed to the future growth of the company’s business. Mr Christian Hausemann, the Financial Director of Primetech’s parent company, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, represented Julius Berger’s executive management and led a delegation from head office to the well-attended event, which held at the iconic Primetech business complex located at Idu Industrial Area FCT Abuja.

On his part, the General Manager of PrimeTech, Christian Mössmer, thanked the long-serving personnel of the company for their productive loyalty and faithful commitment to the founding vision of Primetech. He took an excursion into PrimeTech’s historical evolvement over the years as the design and engineering subsidiary of the leading quality and reliable Julius Berger brand. He spoke about the challenges the company had to deal with, but more proudly of how PrimeTech over the years overcame those challenges to currently emerge as Nigeria’s preferred and most dependable design and engineering business partner. PrimeTech, said Christian Mössmer, started out with a “…vision is to be the design and engineering partner of choice in Nigeria by securing clients’ success through excellence and value”. To give real time effect to its bold vision, Christian Mössmer said, “PrimeTech provides reliable, innovative and efficient solutions for the construction of buildings, industries, civil structures, roads and infrastructure”, adding that “…as part of the Julius Berger Group’s value chain, PrimeTech’s values reflect a high emphasis on the delivery of superior quality services to the full satisfaction of clients.”

Powered by a workforce of architects, engineers, technical specialists and support staff, PrimeTech provides a wide range of services to clients in both the private and public sectors. Furthermore, PrimeTech has in-depth knowhow regarding specialized requirements of the oil and gas sector and works in compliance with the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act. In addition to technical consultancy, PrimeTech has the capacity to prepare procurement documents, material specifications and approvals according to the required standards. PrimeTech says its works shows in fact that the company has evolved into a country leader in these endeavours.

With an eye for detail and precision,PrimeTech’s holistic approach to client servicing underlies the company’s delivery of well thought-out and meticulously planned design and engineering solutions. Thorough work preparation and scheduling underpin highly structured and planned processes. The company firmly believes that the delivery of consistent quality is the primary driver of value for clients. PrimeTech’s Quality Management System conforms to its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification as well as domestic standards.

Mössmer states that as a committed partner to client satisfaction, PrimeTech places the utmost value on professional and collaborative cooperation. The company, he said, prioritizes long-term business relationships built on trust and transparency. Focus is placed on setting mutually agreed and realistic goals that reflect the parameters set for any given project.

PrimeTech, Mössmer emphasized, also prioritizes the long-term environmental, economic and social viability of its services. The company is a leader in raising the standard for sustainable management practices in Nigeria and continues to spearhead the implementation of cutting-edge technologies and operational procedures. Mössmer also said PrimeTech is a strong driver of innovation in its business. In that regard, PrimeTech, he said, “…aims not only to creatively develop solutions that capture clients’ visions, but also to continuously upgrade its technical capacities and support facilities in order to expand its expertise and ability to deliver innovative design and engineering.”

On staff training and development, the PrimeTech GM said that “…to ensure that suitable advanced methods and techniques are applied, the company’s highly qualified staff is kept abreast of the latest domestic and global market developments with related and relevant global best practice training and professional exposure”. Mössmer said for the year 2022, 26 different staff training courses have been offered including oversea training and on-site trainings on JBN projects with 170 participations recorded totalling 5,314 hours spent on various staff training investment till date. The General Manager also proudly informed guests at the ceremony that PrimeTech promoted 18 deserving staff in 2022.

On the important factor of technical aptitude, the General Manager said that because PrimeTech is parentally rooted in and fully aligned with Julius Berger’s historically established culture of standout excellence, “…PrimeTech taps into its diverse international resources to gain special expert knowledge on developing trends and latest technologies.” PrimeTech, he said, is a pioneer in the area of sustainable design and engineering in Nigeria and maintains robust knowledge regarding the latest green building technology. Examples include the company’s head office, which is designed and built according to the “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) requirements.

Christian Mössmer concluded his remarks by saying that, heavily invested in Nigeria, PrimeTech’s strength remains the company’s motivated and highly skilled staff, ranging from young graduates to experienced professionals, amongst whom were the celebrated long service awardees at the event who have both substantive and diversely experiential knowledge in their fields of expertise. The majority of PrimeTech’s staff, he said, are professionally accredited engineers and architects registered with their relevant Nigerian regulatory bodies, including the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA).

Arc.Joseph Abba, Head of Architectural Unit; Arc. Adetola Oyenuga, Deputy Head of Architectural Unit: Engr. Kabir Haruna, the Head of Unit, Structures who also doubles as Office Quality Manager; Engr. Shittu, Rahman; the Deputy Head of Unit, Structures; Chibuzor Enyinna, Support Staff; Mark Abang, Support Staff; and Eberechi Onyebuenyi Echefulachi, Support Staff, were among the staff whose work was acknowledged and rewarded for their consistent and loyal ten years of good service to Primetech at the ceremony in Abuja.

As part of the Julius Berger Group, PrimeTech has access to vast resources within Nigeria, which further supports the company’s ability to offer end-to-end client servicing. Christian Mössmer, the General Manager invited all potential clients to confidently visit PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited, at Plot 305 Idu Industrial Area 1B Idu 900 102 l FCT Abuja, adding that they may also visit Primetech at  Info@primetechnigeria.comPhone: +234 803 906 7000

Other Julius Berger officials present at the ceremony besides PrimeTech officials, included the head of Human Resources, Olorunfemi Ojomo, Mustapher Abubakar of the Commercial Department, AFP Commercial Manager, Norbert Kossman, head of Corporate Communications Department, James Agama, and the head of Media Relations Office, Prince Moses Duku.

Julius Berger’s PrimeTech Design and Engineering honours long-serving staff as it commissions office extension building in Abuja
PrimeTech Design and Engineering Nigeria Limited’s Office Complex located
at Plot 305 Idu Industrial Area 1B Idu 900 102 l FCT Abuja
L-R: Julius Berger’s Financial Director, Christian Hausemann; PrimeTech Chairman and Member
Board of Directors JBN Plc, Hon. Engr. Jafau Damulak, An Awardee, Arc. Joseph Abah, and
PrimeTech’s General Manager, Christian Mössmer at the event in Abuja recently
PrimeTech Awardees and the PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak, the JBN Plc Financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech GM, Christian Mössmer, and Head of JBN Plc HR Dept. ‘Olorunfemi Ojomo
At the ceremony.
PrimeTech Chairman, Hon. Engr. Jafaru Damulak cuts the tape to commission Primetech’s new building extension while the JBN financial Director, Christian Hausemann, PrimeTech Gm, Christian Mossmer and other officials look on with interest

Thursday, July 28, 2022


We have a House of Assembly. I have not heard from them , whether as a House or the views of individual members. They have the power of oversight over the Executive arm of Government and as our representatives, they have the right to speak out and the Constitution protects them .
 Were other Stakeholders carried along before drafting the MOU? The MOU mentioned interests of communities, were the communities identified and informed about the MOU and if so , which communities?
Was due diligence done before preparing the MOU? There is need for transparency and due diligence will help in that regard. Who is the contractor to carry out the construction. Who are the owners of the construction company and their shares. How did the company secure the  project ?
How did the state Govt itself become ‘the beneficial owner’ of the land? What is the root of title of the land? How did the Govt acquire the Land, are there no encumbrances on the land, were there no agreements entered into on the Market by the state Govt from Governor Dariye’s time and subsequent Governments and have the encumbrances ( if any) been cleared?
How did the parties arrive at the N9 billion + valuation figure? There may be need for an independent, expert valuation to confirm the figure contained in the MOU.
What is the fate of the Kabong market where Govt sank huge funds, in fact, borrowed funds to construct? Is it true that Govt ( with all its powers) cannot move traders to that market? 
In the light of present reality , is the Market even advisable in the present location and in the manner envisaged by the MOU? What does the Govt intend to do with the neighboring property ie the Hospital . 
What is the legality of the MOU given that ‘market’ is reserved for Local Governments by the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution?
These questions are not exhaustive but a public interaction where these and other critical questions can be answered needs to be organized. 
In view of the public interest and anxiety, I advise that the Government should listen to the people and get the buy in of the people before concluding the MOU. AThere is no reason in my view that is so compelling or urgent to make the Govt to rush the MOU when citizens are raising critical questions.