Monday, July 11, 2022


The Chairman,
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),
Kuru B Federal Ward.

Dear Sir,


I am indebted to the PDP for finding me worthy to serve as the party’s National Technical Coordinator for eReg covering Plateau State. I was equally privileged to be appointed Commissioner II with the Plateau State Planning Commission and Pioneer Statistician-General of Plateau state by Dara Sen. Jonah David Jang to who I remain loyal. These appointments provided me the opportunity to learn from the Redemption leader Dara Jang how to provide efficient public service delivery and the legacies abound.

At the threshold of the Redemption government, I was saddled with the task of chairing the central hub of the Greater-Together Strategic Team and situation room. That task we did so well resulted in the massive youth movement in support of our 2015 gubernatorial candidate Sen. G.N.S. Pwajok. We campaigned on the principle of building on Dara Jang redemption foundation, deployment of technology, and generational shift in leadership. We anchored our campaign purely on issues that can promote good governance.

With the sour turn of events in 2015, I voluntarily resigned from my tenure appointment as Statistician-General effective 29th May 2015; to enable me to converge my energy towards service of the PDP as an unofficial PRO in defense of the Redemption legacies, and leader Dara Jang. To the glory of God, I stood in the gap unabated till the Sango-led EXCO came onboard.

I had made deep reflection on the recent turn of events in the country especially the Not-too-young-to-rule agitation, the END SARS movement, and the present OBIdient political revolution. I fathom that PARTICIPATION and REPRESENTATION are the hallmarks of democracy which is clearly missing in our engagement as a party. In the light of the foregoing, I am withdrawing my membership in the PDP to enable me to participate in a wider spectrum of the polity without the smear of anti-party activities.

Accept my assurance and esteem regards.

Pamson Dagyat
11th July 2022

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